The time has come to celebrate our 75 Years of being Member Strong! In the month of June, we are kicking off several opportunities so you and your families can get involved and help us celebrate! We are offering a coloring contest for all ages, t-shirt sales to benefit local charities, a free shred day, and we will wrap up our celebration with a fun cookout with good food and an opportunity to spend time with staff and our Board of Directors. All this, and you could even win some gift cards and cash along the way!

Update your contact info and WIN!
You are the reason we have been here for 75 Years! Staying in touch and communication with you is important and helps us stay Member Strong! Fill out our online contact form and update your information to be entered to win a $75 gift card.

T-Shirts for Charity - Wear it and WIN!
Purchase an Independent 75 Year Member Strong T-Shirt and post a picture of yourself wearing the shirt on FB with the hashtag: #ifcucelebrates75years and be entered to win $75.
T-shirts are on sale in-branch and are available for children at $10 and adults for $15. ALL proceeds will go to charity.
Winners will be chosen at random daily through June 10th.

Community Shred Day
On Thursday, June 9th from 2 - 4 PM we will have Community Shred Day. Box up all those documents you are afraid to throw away because they contain sensitive information and bring them by the branch to be safely shredded for FREE!

Member Appreciation Cookout
Join us Friday, June 10th for an Independent 75 Year Celebration Cookout! From 10:30 to 2:00 our Board of Directors will be serving hotdogs, chips, water, and a dessert. Everyone is welcome to join in on the fun and good food! Help us celebrate 75 Years of great members like you!

Coloring Contest - Get your color on!
Download a coloring page for ages 1-7 HERE and 8+ years HERE. Be sure to complete your artwork and turn them in by end of the day on June 3rd. Vote for your favorite artworks in-branch from June 6th through the 9th. Winners will receive a T-Shirt and a $25 Gift Card.
Winners will be announced on June 10th.

There's more!
Wednesday, June 8th - Our trusted partner Philip E. Lavelle Jr. will be in-branch to answer your investment questions and offer on-site financial planning during these topsy-turvey financial times. Philip is a registered representative of Thurston, Springer, Miller, Herd & Titak, Inc., a full-service investments and financial planning firm. Philip Lavelle Jr. provides comprehensive financial planning services to individuals including IRA and Retirement Plan Rollovers, Investment Management, 401(k), 403(b), Pensions, SEPS, SIMPLES, and all things financial planning.